Emergent Bass is going into the third round. One last time for this summer, we want to share Afro-Diasporic rhythms, bass and the dancefloor with you with a brilliant lineup.
PANEL // 16:00 UHR
Club culture is more than Berlin: On the social and cultural relevance of club culture beyond the Berlin bubble.
Host: Gîn Bali
Panel guests: Johanna & BASHKKA
On 25.09. DJ and organiser and founder of the YAYA association and Amalopa Gîn Bali from Wuppertal will talk with producer, DJ and singer, BASHKKA from Munich and DJ and organiser Johanna of the GG VYBE Crew from Frankfurt about the social and cultural relevance of club culture beyond the Berlin bubble.

Corona Rules
the event will be at the outdoor space of @menschmeierberlin
Entry with a fresh negative Corona-test (no self test) or if fully vaccinated or recovered.
Please bring your FFP2 masks
Dancing is allowed!
7€ tickets at the door only
The panel will be held in German spoken language. There will be simultaneous translation (german to english). A transcript might follow and will be shared online afterwards.
Mensch Meier has an awareness team on site and is designed to be barrier-free and wheelchair accessible.
Emergent Bass is funded by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur & Europa Berlin.
Artwork by Nelson Kinalele
Aérea Negrot
BPitch Control
Jaxx TMS
Sara Farina
Uzuri Recordings
Nico Adomako